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Gelcoat / Laminating

Gelcoat & Stratification bateau

On your boat, the gelcoat and lamination play a very important role : when your ship is made of polyester, they are the ones that protect the hull and deck. Small negative point on the other hand, they are the ones that get damaged first when faced with the various aggressions of the salty environment or during a slightly hazardous port maneuver.

Would you like to be associated with a boat in bad shape, whose captain does not know how to maneuver or does not care to pamper it ? Obviously, we imagine the answer is no. Good news, it is possible to repair your gelcoat or stratification, to give your motorboat or sailboat the image it deserves !

But do you know how to repair your gel coat yourself ? Can you repair a scratch on the gel coat without it being visible? What tools should you use and how should you proceed ?

For work done right and that will last over time,
trust Boatngo's extensive network of professionals ! Our team has the expertise to quickly perform a quality service , which will make your unit look great again.


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Whether you have a motorboat or a sailboat, the engine is the most important part of your vessel : it is the one that allows you to enjoy enjoyable and comfortable sailing, and ensures your safety on board your boat. How would you do without it ?

To ensure you maintain your equipment properly and make it last over time, engine overhaul is essential. In case of new or recent equipment, it is also the operation that will allow you to claim or extend the manufacturer's warranty !

For an inboard engine, engine overhaul should ideally be performed every year, or every 250 hours of operation. For outboard engines, the frequency of required overhaul differs between models, but annual inspection and maintenance is still highly recommended in any case.

You understood it, to enjoy your boat, the engine overhaul is a step that should not be neglected. To carry it out, think of Boatngo ! Our professional team takes care of this mission for you with justness, quickness and expertise, at fair price.

Fill out the form to get a custom quote within 48 hours !


Answers to frequently asked questions

Gelcoat is an outer layer of resin that is applied to the surface of a fiberglass boat. It provides a smooth, glossy surface finish, and serves to protect the boat from the elements, including water, sun and mechanical damage.

Laminating is the process of applying several layers of fiberglass and resin to create the structure of a boat's hull. These layers, or "strata", are alternated and cured to provide a strong, durable and waterproof hull.

Gelcoat maintenance is crucial to protect your boat's hull from wear, corrosion and damage caused by the elements. A well-maintained gelcoat will also help maintain your boat's appearance and value.

Damaged gelcoat can be repaired using a gelcoat repair kit, which usually includes resin, hardener and color pigments. The damaged area should be cleaned, lightly sanded and then covered with the gelcoat mixture. Once cured, the gelcoat can be polished back to its original appearance.

Yes, with the right tools, the right materials and a good knowledge of techniques, it is possible to carry out boat lamination yourself. However, it's a complex and delicate process, and we strongly recommend that you call in a professional for optimum results.

Signs of damaged boat lamination may include cracks or blisters on the hull surface, discoloration, or a hollow sound when tapped. If you observe these signs, it's advisable to consult a professional for an assessment.

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