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Boat sail

On a boat, sails are constantly in contact with the elements. With the saline, sunny, windy environment, they are under a lot of stress and wear out quickly. Slightly rough sailing conditions or a poorly performed maneuver on board can also provoke damage and impact their durability.

So what do you do when a sail is damaged ? Is it possible to repair a mainsail, jib or spinnaker ? Can a torn sail be mended ? Can a sail that is too big or unsuitable be modified ? Is it possible to recycle an old sail to create new equipment ?

Designing, modifying and repairing sails is precision work performed by a trade professional called a sailmaker. Beyond creating parts that are used for sailing, he or she can also design or repair UV protection items such as a taud, bimini or capote for boats.

For sail creation, modification or repair, you can count on Boatngo ! We have certified professionals on our team who can help you with your custom project. With expertise, speed and fair prices, they will undoubtedly bring you satisfaction !


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On a boat, sails are constantly in contact with the elements. With the saline, sunny, windy environment, they are under a lot of stress and wear out quickly. Slightly rough sailing conditions or a poorly performed maneuver on board can also provoke damage and impact their durability.

So what do you do when a sail is damaged ? Is it possible to repair a mainsail, jib or spinnaker ? Can a torn sail be mended ? Can a sail that is too big or unsuitable be modified ? Is it possible to recycle an old sail to create new equipment ?

Designing, modifying and repairing sails is precision work performed by a trade professional called a sailmaker. Beyond creating parts that are used for sailing, he or she can also design or repair UV protection items such as a taud, bimini or capote for boats.

For sail creation, modification or repair, you can count on Boatngo ! We have certified professionals on our team who can help you with your custom project. With expertise, speed and fair prices, they will undoubtedly bring you satisfaction !


Answers to frequently asked questions

Boat sails are pieces of fabric used to propel a sailboat by catching the wind. They are attached to masts and spars, and are adjusted according to wind direction and strength to enable the boat to move.

The different types of boat sails include mainsail, genoa, jib, staysail, spinnaker, mizzen sail, staysail, etc. Each type has its own characteristics and is used in specific wind and sailing conditions. Each type of sail has its own characteristics and is used in specific wind and sailing conditions.

Materials commonly used for boat sails include Dacron, Kevlar, carbon, nylon and polyester laminate. Each material has its own advantages in terms of strength, lightness, durability and performance, and is chosen according to the specific needs of the sailboat.

Choosing the right sails for your boat depends on a number of factors, such as boat size, type of sailing, weather conditions and performance objectives. We recommend that you consult a sailmaker or naval architect for personalized advice on choosing the right sails for your boat.

Regular maintenance of your boat's sails is essential to ensure their durability and performance. This includes regular sail cleaning, proper storage away from moisture and UV light, regular inspection of seams and reinforcements, and repairing minor damage before it becomes serious.

The service life of boat sails depends on various factors such as frequency of use, sailing conditions and maintenance. Generally speaking, sails need to be replaced when they show signs of excessive wear, major tears, loose seams or loss of shape affecting their performance.

Sail installation on your boat may vary according to the type of sail and the fastening system used. We recommend that you follow the manufacturer's instructions and, if necessary, call in a professional sailmaker for a safe and correct installation.

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