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Boat refit

Boat refit

If the layout of your boat no longer corresponds to your needs, the boat refit is for you ! It allows you to rehabilitate the spaces of your unit to improve its habitability, to modernize it, to adapt your boat to your desires and your way of sailing.

You don't have to have a yacht to get involved ! Any owner can consider a refit, at any budget. It can be small jobs like adding a platform to the back of your boat, or larger projects like refitting.

Do not modify your boat randomly ! The fittings carried out affect the weight and shape of your boat and have an impact on its sailing behavior. Also, the boat refit requires a team specialized in interior design, which has knowledge of the structural constraints of the ships and is aware of the needs, in navigation and for life on board.

Advice, architectural design, project management, site supervision... To give your refit every chance of success, Boatngo puts at your disposal the best professionals in boat refitting. Contact our team to find the expert who will allow you to rethink your spaces on board the way you want, and make a quality boat refit !


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Whether you have a motorboat or a sailboat, the engine is the most important part of your vessel : it is the one that allows you to enjoy enjoyable and comfortable sailing, and ensures your safety on board your boat. How would you do without it ?

To ensure you maintain your equipment properly and make it last over time, engine overhaul is essential. In case of new or recent equipment, it is also the operation that will allow you to claim or extend the manufacturer's warranty !

For an inboard engine, engine overhaul should ideally be performed every year, or every 250 hours of operation. For outboard engines, the frequency of required overhaul differs between models, but annual inspection and maintenance is still highly recommended in any case.

You understood it, to enjoy your boat, the engine overhaul is a step that should not be neglected. To carry it out, think of Boatngo ! Our professional team takes care of this mission for you with justness, quickness and expertise, at fair price.

Fill out the form to get a custom quote within 48 hours !


Answers to frequently asked questions

Boat refit is the process of renovating or restoring an existing boat. This can include work on the engine, electronics, interior, hull and other systems of the boat.

Refits can give new life to an aging boat, improve its performance, increase its value and extend its life. It can also be a more economical alternative to buying a new boat.

The cost of a boat refit varies greatly depending on the extent of the work required, the type of boat and the materials used. It is recommended to ask for a detailed estimate before undertaking a refit, Boatngo can do it for you.

The duration of a boat refit depends on the complexity and extent of the work to be done. It can take from a few weeks to several months.

A boat refit must be performed by qualified professionals, such as shipyards, marine carpenters, marine electricians, marine mechanics and marine upholsterers. Boatngo has all these skills to complete your project.

When doing a boat refit, it is important to consider budget, time, safety, boat performance, aesthetics and resale value. It is also recommended to make a complete inventory of the work needed before starting. In addition, a follow-up of the construction site is essential.

Some refit work can be done by competent boat owners, but for more complex and technical work, it is best to call on professionals like Boatngo.

A boat repair usually involves specific work to correct a problem or defect. A refit, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive process that aims to improve and modernize the entire boat.

A boat refit can have environmental benefits by extending the life of the boat and avoiding the production and disposal of a new boat. In addition, some refits can improve the boat's fuel efficiency.

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