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Boat careening in Menton

Carénage de bateau dans la ville de Menton

Over time, your boat's hull accumulates algae, shellfish and even coral. Unfortunately, this severely damages the hull and makes the boat heavier, making maneuvering more difficult as the days go by. As you can see, boat fairing is very important ! Thanks to boat refit in Menton, you'll be able to enjoy the sensations of the sea and sailing once again.

Afin de surveiller l’état de la coque de votre bateau et de la protéger contre les risques d’osmose, de corrosion ou encore d’électrolyse, il est vivement recommandé de procéder à un carénage de navire, de préférence une fois par an. Pour faciliter l’entretien de votre bateau et le polissage de sa coque, vous avez également la possibilité de planifier un rendez-vous pour le carénage annuel de votre embarcation avec Boatngo à Menton. Nos experts sont disponibles pour vous accompagner dans cette démarche. Il ne vous reste plus qu’à demander un devis gratuit en ligne ! Nous sommes experts de l’entretien de bateau à Menton.


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Answers to frequently asked questions

Why is careening so important for a boat ? Simply because it's an operation designed to keep your boat's hull in good condition. It removes any algae, coral or shellfish that may have clung to the hull. It also helps prevent problems such as corrosion, electrolysis and osmosis. We recommend a refit at least once a year.

A boat careening is a major maintenance operation. It consists of a general inspection, a thorough cleaning of the boat's hull, and the repair of certain components if necessary. The final stage of this operation involves the application of several coats of antifouling, providing lasting protection against any marine organisms that might colonize the hull and impair the boat's performance.

There is no standard norm for the frequency of careening. It's best to assess your own situation, taking into account factors such as the material your hull is made of, the length of time you'll be in the water, the length of time you'll be moored in port, and the environmental conditions specific to Menton. We suggest that you schedule a regular refit, either once a year or every two years.

During a boat careening, a number of operations are carried out on the hull, including cleaning, stripping, correcting defects and applying antifouling paint. A boat careening is also a good time to take a close look at all the components that are usually immersed in water. In particular, it's a good idea to check the condition of the anode, the propulsion system and any equipment in contact with the water. If you notice any problems, why not take the opportunity to replace them ? The Boatngo team is there for you !

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