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Boat fairing in Cannes

Carénage de bateau dans Cannes

Over time spent in the water, whether in the Bay of Cannes or further offshore, your boat's hull becomes loaded with algae, shells and coral. With a modified hull due to these clinging elements, the boat becomes heavier. In port or at sea, maneuvers become more complicated. The propeller no longer functions as it should : it turns more slowly, forcing the engine to work harder and sometimes overheating. Your boat's performance is affected and your fuel consumption increased... It's time for a boat fairing !

Le carénage de votre unité à Cannes vous offrira de meilleures sensations en navigation, et vous permettra de profiter pleinement de vos sorties en mer. En effectuant régulièrement cette opération, idéalement une fois par an, vous pourrez aussi surveiller l’état de votre coque and préserver votre bateau de l’osmose, de la corrosion ou de l’électrolyse. Ces maladies peuvent peuvent sérieusement endommager votre unité ! Effectuez idéalement un carénage de votre navire au moins une fois par an. Choisissez l’avant-saison pour la réalisation des travaux, pour être sûr de la disponibilité de votre bateau pour l’été. N’hésitez pas à faire appel à Boatngo pour l’entretien de bateau Cannes. Nos experts en carénage bateau réaliseront, pour vous, un travail de grande qualité !


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An overview of some of our achievements

Antifouling on a Flyer 8.8 in Vieux-Port de Cannes

Fairing of an Azimut in Vieux-Port de Cannes

Water outlet and fairing of a sailboat in Vieux-Port de Cannes


Answers to frequently asked questions

Cleaning the hull, checking that it's in good condition, repairing damaged parts... All this work is part of a ship's fairing, the main maintenance operation to be carried out on the hull, ideally every year. The last stage of the operation, not to be neglected, is the application of several coats of antifouling, in accordance with the rules of the art : without this, marine organisms will quickly reestablish themselves on the hull and negatively influence the boat's performance !

There is no standard rule for the frequency of fairing. Examine your individual case, depending on the characteristics of your boat and your particular circumstances : What material is your hull made of ? Have you spent many hours in the water ? Has your boat been in port or at anchor for several weeks ? What are the environmental conditions in your cruising area ? Builders often recommend a regular refit, every 1, 2 or 3 years. But you may need to do it more frequently in certain situations !

Fairing your boat is important for maintaining hull performance and efficiency. Fairing eliminates external elements such as algae, coral or shellfish, but also prevents diseases such as corrosion, electrolysis or osmosis. With a boat fairing, you'll extend the life of your hull.

A number of tasks need to be carried out on the hull during a fairing : cleaning, stripping, repairing defects, antifouling painting... Don't forget to take advantage of your boat's grounding to check everything that's usually underwater : are your sacrificial anode, your propulsion system and your underwater equipment in good condition ? If not, now is the ideal time to replace them !

You're free to carry out boat refit work on your own, or have someone else do it for you. But be aware that boat fairing is an operation that requires physical ability, skill and specific tools. For us, calling on Boatngo Cannes is the best solution : you'll quickly benefit from perfectly executed work, at a fair price. It's the ideal way to sail with a clear head !

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