When you launch your boat, in Antibes or elsewhere, you subject its hull to multiple elements. In fresh or salt water, it accumulates algae, coral and shells. These foreign elements change the shape of the hull and make the boat heavier, affecting its performance and making maneuvering more difficult. The propeller, also carrying foreign elements, can operate more difficultly and lead to over-consumption of fuel. In such a situation, carrying out a fairing is essential to regain sailing thrills !
Si votre bateau est basé à Antibes, ne tardez pas à le caréner ! Le carénage de votre navire vous permettra de préserver vos équipements et d’optimiser votre consommation de carburant. Vous protégerez aussi votre coque d’autres problèmes embêtants, tels que l’électrolyse, l’osmose ou la corrosion. Chez Boatngo, nous préconisons à nos clients d’effectuer au moins une opération de carénage par an, idéalement en début de saison. Faites confiance à Boatngo Antibes pour la réalisation d’un travail professionnel de haute qualité ! Nous sommes experts l’entretien de bateau à Antibes.
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Le carénage se fait en plusieurs étapes essentielles pour l’entretien de votre bateau :
Notre service de carénage et d’antifouling à Antibes associe savoir-faire technique et équipements modernes pour garantir un soin optimal de votre embarcation. En optant pour notre service, vous bénéficiez d’une solution de protection complète pour la coque de votre bateau, cruciale pour prévenir les infiltrations d’eau et les dommages à la structure. Boatngo a sélectionné une peinture antifouling de haute qualité, s’approvisionnant exclusivement chez « International », une marque de renom. Nos opérations à Antibes englobent la réservation de l’espace de carénage, l’exécution du service et la fourniture d’un compte rendu détaillé. Il vous est également possible de choisir en supplément le service de convoyage de votre bateau.
A boat refit is a maintenance operation during which the hull is prepared for a new sailing season. It involves cleaning the entire hull, inspecting all parts, repairing any defects and applying antifouling paint. This last operation is designed to prevent the development of marine organisms, and to enable the boat to glide over the water.
To find out if your boat in Antibes deserves a fairing, or if you want to estimate the frequency of maintenance for your unit, consider several factors : the hull construction material, your use, environmental conditions and the manufacturer's recommendations. It is generally recommended to do a fairing every one, two or three years.
Fairing your boat is an essential operation. By eliminating residues, algae and other marine organisms from your hull, you'll be able to regain the sensations your boat originally offered on the water. Thanks to fairing, your boat will be efficient and high-performance once again ! With the hull protected from external aggression, your boat will benefit from extended service life.
You'll need to carry out several tasks as part of your boat fairing. First, clean and strip your entire hull, to ensure you can work comfortably. Check for damage, scratches and cracks, and repair any defects you find. Check the propulsion system, underwater equipment and sacrificial anode(s). If necessary, replace them ! Finally, apply several coats of antifouling just before returning to the water.
Boat fairing is generally within the reach of any yachtsman. But, depending on the case, it can be more complex than it seems : fairing requires time, technical skills and good equipment. What's more, it often requires good physical condition ! We recommend that you delegate your refit work to a specialist, such as Boatngo Antibes. That way, you'll be sure to get the results you're looking for !
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