Being the owner of a pleasure boat brings many pleasures, nevertheless it is necessary to maintain it regularly... Interviews are multiple and essential for some...
For most boaters, boat maintenance is an expensive chore.
In reality, it is NOT ! Indeed, there are several alternatives such as rental management where the owner rents out his boat when he is not using it in order to make its maintenance profitable. The owner can also perform certain tasks himself, such as careening. Finally, he can also adopt certain tricks to reduce his energy and fuel consumption.
The rental management
Some boaters sail for a short period of the year, yet the need for regular maintenance does not vary. This is when rental management can be a very relevant alternative. Indeed, the owner rents his boat during the periods when he does not use it and thus, he can amortize his maintenance costs. However, as the rental of the boat can be accompanied by a premature general deterioration, it is important to select the tenants well and to limit the number of rentals per year.
The rental management is available for all types of boats However, it is imperative that it be in very good general condition and therefore suitable for rental.
Maintenance saving
Unless you have very good professional friends in the field, there is really no quick fix. The more you do yourself, the more money you will save. Plus, by doing the maintenance tasks yourself, you'll gain skills and be proud of the results of your efforts.
Of course, unless you are a true expert or professional, l’entretien d’un bateau nécessite une base de connaissances et une certaine expérience. Some tasks can be done alone, with training quickly. This is the case, for example, of the careening: the series of maintenance operations to be carried out on the hull of your boat each year.
By making your own fairing, you could save between 30% and 40% of the price of a professional realization. Of course, these are estimates: the price depends on your type of boat and its size.
Energy saving
Today, maritime navigation uses electrical energy, indispensable not only for the comfort of navigation but also for the safety of boaters during sea trips. Indeed, imagine that you are caught in a storm and your boat breaks down, without any means of communication to call for help... Terrifying isn't it? Don't worry about it! This kind of situation happens very rarely if you maintain your boat well.
But be careful with your wallet! Indeed, it is recommended to adopt some tips and ways to avoid abusing the consumption of electricity that can very quickly increase the bill. There are some tips to save electricity consumption. Boatngo gives you the recipe !
First of all, it is necessary to calibrate the power. The calibration is done by taking into account several elements such as the type of boat, its size, its equipment but also according to the distances of navigation that you intend to make. Use a consumption meter : it helps you estimate your total daily consumption. Then calibrate the power according to the result obtained.
Logically, larger vessels contain more equipment and therefore consume more energy than other vessels. However, it is the "comfort" equipment that consumes the most energy : the refrigerator, the microwave etc. We therefore recommend that you use only the essential equipment on board and reduce or even eliminate the use of non-essential appliances.
Moreover, do not hesitate to use energy saving equipment as you do for your home. For example, we recommend that you equip your ship with LED bulbs rather than halogen bulbs which consume more.
If you have the means, you can use some alternative energy sources such as solar panels. These equipments are very economical and particularly adapted for sailing on the French Riviera.
Fuel saving
Boaters know this, the boats are very greedy in fuel. There are a few tips that can help you save money here as well. These tips may seem trivial, but taken together, they can save you a lot of money.
First of all, it is necessary to use an appropriate engine for your vessel. For example, choose an outboard with enough power so that you don't find yourself underpowered. It's like driving a car and shifting from 1st to 3rd gear! You'll be slower and more importantly, you'll use more fuel. Four-stroke engines are highly recommended because of their fuel efficiency.
Above all, don't forget to mount your outboard at the right height. To find your way around, set the trim to neutral and mount the outboard so that the fan plate is level with the bottom of the hull.
Of course, having A well-maintained engine and hull is a PRIMORITY rule for comfortable and fuel-efficient sailing.
You may know it, but the engine speed plays an important role in the fuel consumption, each boat has its own way of consuming depending on its engine and if you exceed a certain number of revolutions per minute the fuel consumption becomes more energy consuming, exactly as with the car, the faster you drive, the more you consume
Boatngo's network of professionals at the right price.
It is generally said that the two best times in a boat owner's life are when he buys his boat... and when he sells it. And when it comes to servicing your boat and you are looking for a service, you are likely to find a low price with a poor quality service - this will actually be more expensive in the long run! Or, you will find a service, certainly of quality, but with an exorbitant and unjustified price...
The objective is to find a provider with a good quality/price ratio. And that's what we're fighting for. We have developed a reference fee schedule to establish a right price on quality services. For you it is the guarantee to find the pleasure of being a boat owner.
What you need to remember !
Finally, it is important to remember that there is no magic bullet to save money on your vessel's maintenance. However, by taking these tips into account, you will be doing your wallet some good.